
Abby Plaatjes, South African media entrepreneur based in Tanzania ads  author to her list. Abby is proud to offer her very first autobiographical work, hitting bookstores and online platforms everywhere on June 24, 2023.

“The Life In My Men” is a compelling memoir about the encounters of different men in Abby’s life that have influenced her both positively and negatively. Abby starts off by giving us a very necessary look into her upbringing during the South African Apartheid era and where her systemic coloured race originally stems from.

Taking into account that Abby’s ancestors, the Khoi San, date back to the earliest homo sapiens and how they fell victim to the most merciless genocide South Africa has ever seen, she tackles the misunderstanding and ill treatment of her people and owns her past with integrity, wit and brutal honesty.

Abby said: ” ´The Life In My Men´ is about my inquisitive journey into the state of emergency men are in. The good men – and the bad- are presented here as my quirky but heart-warming and sometimes serious story will serve as a guide for my daughter, and hopefully all daughters, who will need to identify  all of these men in order to navigate the patriarchy.”

Abby’s curious mind and boisterous personality has sometimes led her in the wrong direction, but she lives her life intentionally, owning her heritage, challenging the status quo and encountering some fascinating  men along the way.

“The Life In My Men” book launch will be held at the Lebanese Restaurant, Levant, on June 24,2023 and will be by invitation only.

To order your copy of “The Life In My Men” please follow Abby’s social media links:

Instagram – @abbyplaatjes

Twitter – @mzzabby

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