The Creative Industries Career Expo is a fresh and unique event providing a platform for learners and youth to easily access information and gain insight into the different careers in the creative, cultural and heritage sectors.
Taking place from 11 – 13 March at Museum Africa in Newtown, the Career Expo is being hosted by Creative Knowledge, in partnership with the Department of Arts and Culture, the City of Joburg Museum Africa, the SAMRO Foundation, the Market Theatre Foundation and Creative Feel.
Entrance is free.
“The creative industry is one of the most rapidly growing sectors of the global economy and has a major positive influence on income generation and job creation. Government has also recognised this sector as a key contributor to job creation, as well as significantly contributing to social development and nation building,” says Rosie Katz of Creative Knowledge.
Over the past few years, focus has been placed on careers in the creative, cultural and heritage industries, with numerous institutions now offering education and training in these fields. Universities, technikons, colleges and non-profit organisations across the country provide an extensive range of courses, diplomas, degrees and post-graduate degrees in the sector. “Yet it is only until recently that a career in the creative industries has been recognised as a sustainable livelihood, creating many new career paths for our learners and youth,” says Katz.
“The Expo is being implemented as a non-commercial event that will ensure accessibility to a diverse audience made up of school learners and educators from high schools, out-of-school youth, as well as other interested learners, educators and parents.” Explains Katz. “Schools that wish to attend can contact us on bookings@creativeknowledge.co.za or www.cicareerexpo.co.za
The Expo is open to all and will run from 09h00 – 16h00 daily.”
The main objectives of the Expo are:
- To inform learners, educators and parents of the career opportunities in the creative industries
- To expose and promote courses being offered at relevant institutions
- To strengthen learners’ capacity to access the creative industries
- To inform learners of the potential benefits and challenges they could encounter in the creative industries
- To encourage the importance and benefits of careers in the creative industries
The 2020 Expo will be held over three days, curated around the following:
- An Exhibition of Training and Education institutions and Arts Organisations and the courses they offer, as well as bursary opportunities for learners
- Career Guidance Workshops: Facilitated by educators, industry experts and artists
- A Session for Parents who wish to engage with the sector about their children pursuing careers in the arts
The inaugural event will take place from 11 – 13 March 2020 at Museum Africa, Newtown, and is open to the public.
Schools wishing to attend should contact us on bookings@creativeknowledge.co.za or visit www.cicareerexpo.co.za