Transforming inspiration from around the world into creative looks with personal edge, the style-savvy sisters coco & breezy are true to the adage, ‘style is not about what you wear, but how you wear it.’
For Winter 2019, jewellery takes its cues from all corners of the globe in a dreamy and wanderlustful treasure chest of bold designs that allow women to create new expressions of personal style.
To mark the launch of the new Dream Away collection, Pandora once again teams up with the entrepreneurial twins Corianna and Brianna Dotson, better known as Coco and Breezy, who performed at the Pandora Reflexions global launch event in southern France back in October. As visual artists and DJs, as well as cofounders, owners and designers of their eponymous sunglasses and eyewear line, Coco and Breezy are no strangers to style.
They have always loved to express themselves through their clothing —and in particular the jewellery they wear: “Jewellery is a huge part of our identity, as a way of decorating our bodies and showing our individuality,” they explain. Clothing doesn’t have the same sense of versatility. Our personal style is dedicated to the jewellery we wear.”
A melting pot of different impressions inspires the twins’ look — but travel plays a key role in defining who they are, too: “Travel is so important because it opens our minds to different lifestyles and cultures.
It provides new perspective, which helps us to grow our own story.” Whether they’re exploring their purpose in the world or building their emotional confidence, the adventurous individualists focus on wearing what they truly love; experimenting with their style in new and unconventional ways to reveal their unique selves: “As twins, we look alike but have our own uniqueness. It’s not just about the way you look on the outside, but also about the way you carry yourself. Finding our own unique expressions has been a beautiful journey.”