Violence against women is an epidemic: one in three women worldwide will be a victim in her lifetime
Intimate partner violence does not discriminate, and it can affect anyone; regardless of income, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.
What’s more, domestic violence has historically been a taboo subject, but in 2004, the Avon Foundation for Women set out to change that, launching the Avon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence programme. Speak Out aimed to bring awareness to this issue, to educate, and to develop and implement prevention and direct service programmes. Since 2004, Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women have contributed more than $60 million USD globally to support these goals. Whilst that is an impressive effort, there is much more to do.
With the support of the Avon Foundation, we have reiterated our recommitment to this cause by launching the Avon Promise to Help End Violence Against Women and Girls.
One in three women will be a victim of violence in her lifetime. We see every woman as a person – not as a statistic – and each instance of violence is one too many. The paths that lead to these crimes often start at home and within relationships that should be sanctuaries of trust and love.
That is why we’re renewing our commitment to help end violence and abuse within relationships – whether it’s physical, emotional or financial.
We’ll commit our resources, our people and our energy to:
Encourage conversation
We’ll use our global voice to shed light on the many forms of violence against women and girls and discuss what needs to change in order to end it.
Provide information
We’ll make sure that everyone we work with – our network of Representatives, employees, customers and partners – has the knowledge and information they need to recognise and respond to violence safely and on their own terms.
Improve support
We’ll work with local organisations to ensure women and girls have access to the support they need. And we’ll convene global leaders and change makers to help make sure women and girls are understood, supported and fairly treated when they seek help or report abuse.