Starbucks has announced that it will be serving the new international taste sensation Blonde Espresso Roast at all its South African stores from today, bringing customers an entirely new way to experience their coffee.
Blonde Espresso Roast has been added to the permanent menu, alongside enduring favourite, the Signature dark Espresso Roast. This is the first time the company has introduced a new core espresso option in more than 40 years.
Created by Starbucks master blenders and roasters – with more than 45 years of roasting experience – the new Blonde Espresso Roast has a smooth body that’s balanced with citrusy notes. Clive Liversage – Managing Executive for Starbucks South Africa says the new coffee “is smooth and subtly sweet – perfect for those looking for something a little smoother, with no compromise on flavour”.
The unique new Blonde blend brings together beans from Latin America (giving a round, smooth body), and East Africa, (bringing out flavours of lemon, orange and caramel); all roasted to the peak of their flavour.
Launched in 8,000 locations in the United States early last year, Starbucks Blonde blend has been an instant hit, and where the option of choosing between Blonde and Dark espresso roasts (as the basis for further hand-crafted choices – Starbucks Caffe Latte, Cappuccino, Flat White, Macchiato and Americano beverages) has become wildly popular.
Now you can experience it too. Just remember – from now on your first choice at Starbucks is “Dark” or “Blonde”.F