JOHNSON’S® Baby, the global consumer brand, has expressed strong support for Unjani Clinics in theirservice to thecommunity.The professional nurses who are also owners of their Unjani Clinics,continue to offer better health care options for the mothers and babies of South Africa. UnjaniClinics serve their communities by offering affordable private healthcare and by assisting mothers with a support structure. This support structure is paired with the belief that educating mums to make better lifestyle choices for their babies will result in better skin health and ultimately better overall health.
JOHNSON’S® Baby Nurtures the Growth of Communities
Through The JOHNSON’S® Baby Healthy Skin Project, JOHNSON’S® Baby is continuously looking for ways to better the lives of those in need in South African communities.
With September comes Spring and Arbor celebrations by planting new trees.JOHNSON’S® Babywill contribute to Arbour Celebrations bycreating vegetable gardens at selected Unjani Clinics. The idea is for the Unjani Nurses and their community to maintain and develop these vegetable gardens,helping mums and babies within the community with better access to healthier food options on an ongoing basis. Ilze’ Saunders Buys Model, Actress, Miss Earth 2014, Activist and friend of the project will be an integral part of establishing these gardens in rural communities around Gauteng. Ilze’ will be assisting
JOHNSON’S® Babyin establishing the gardens and together they will continue to offer advice to the Unjani Nurses on the maintenance of the gardens.
‘I am honoured to partner with a brand such as JOHNSON’S® Baby who aims to create sustainable change in rural communities. It is with great pleasure that I share my love for the environment and importance of food security with the Unjani Nurses and their patients.’ – Ilze’Saunders.
Along with the initial planting,Unjani Clinics will also be provided with watering cans and a maintenance plan to further assist with the growth of the gardens.
JOHNSON’S® Baby Encourages a Healthy Diet
JOHNSON’S® Baby believes that a healthy diet aids growth and development in infants and children. Mothers who make the correct nutritional choices for their babies could help to keep a skin illness at bay. According to Dr. Adrian Morris of the Allergy Clinic,up to 25% of infantile eczema is aggravated by a food allergy, and food additives or colourings can also aggravate eczema.1JOHNSON’S® Baby understands that healthy foods are not always readilyavailable to mums in need and thus has decided to expand The JOHNSON’S® Baby Healthy Skin Projectto include fresh vegetables.
It is important to be aware that healthy skin does not only derive from good skin practices such as using the correct products and moisturing regularly,
but that diet can also play an important role in keeping skin uncompromised, allowing it to continue to act as armor and the first line of defence against diseases.2
Keeping babies skin healthy is the main priority of TheJOHNSON’S® Baby healthy SkinProject, and educating moms on baby skin health is essential to fulfilling their goal of helping 3 million babies by 2020.
1 Response
September 27, 2017Beautiful article!!!