
 The Great Moscow Circus slashes ticket prices by 50 percent for a few days only, to celebrate the birthday of Ringmaster Stas Kniazkov

Stanislav Kniazkov (or ‘Stas’ to his friends), the world-famous and fabulous Ringmaster at The Great Moscow Circus celebrates his birthday this Monday. And to celebrate, Stas has decided to take 50 percent off of the cost of all Joburg tickets for the rest of the Circus’ Johannesburg run!

“I love this city,” he says. “The audiences here have been so warm and appreciative that I want to give the people of Johannesburg a present on my birthday.”

Lizzie Coles, Executive Producer at The Great Moscow Circus says this is the kind of spontaneous and big-hearted gesture that’s typical of Stas. “He is generosity personified! Stas loves the crowds, and the crowds love him,” she says.

The half-price ticket offer is valid for all Great Moscow Circus shows in Johannesburg. But to qualify for the discount, tickets must be bought between 8am on Monday, January 16 and 10am on Wednesday, January 18, 2017. The circus ends its Johannesburg season on January 28 when it heads off to Cape Town.

“Come, celebrate my birthday with me and my wonderful, talented friends at The Great Moscow Circus. We have brought the very best of the world’s circus stars to South Africa. This is an amazing show. You are in for a treat!” says Stas.

He is a graduate of the famed Moscow City School of Circus Arts. Stas comes to South Africa after a brilliant guest season with Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey where he was celebrated as one of the finest and most entertaining ringmasters ever to have performed in the United States.

With only two weeks left of its Joburg season, Lizzie urges people to book soon so as not to miss out on the biggest, grandest and most spectacular live entertainment offering in Johannesburg this year.

The South African 2016/17 tour dates include:

  • Until January 28, 2017, Montecasino, Johannesburg
  • From 3 February 2017, Foreshore – Founders Garden, Cape Town
  • From 16 February 2017, The Windmill, Bloemfontein
  • From 23 February 2017, The Boardwalk, Port Elizabeth
  • From 04 March 2017, Suncoast Casino, Durban

The show contains no animal acts.

The full cost of tickets ranges from R195 to R595. From January 16 to 18 (only), these costs will be halved for the Johannesburg shows. The 50 percent discount does not apply to already discounted tickets.


Call 0861 915 8000 or book online at

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