Exofab stuck on Africa ‘Stick, Pose and Snap’
First Europe, then the US and now Africa!
South Africa is excited to introduce the innovative Exofab Africa device guard: the sticky but thin gel smartphone cover that sticks to glass and mirrors – doing away with the ever annoying “photo bombing arm”!
Exofab offers a self-sticking, über-fashionable antibacterial case, as well as a screen protector for mobile devices.
The Exofab self-sticking case is easy to use, fashionable (coming in different colours and personalised patterns) and high up there on the must have list for any smartphone and social media fanatics as the case makes it easier to grip and for people to take less-awkward, arm-extended selfies.
The Exofab cases are manufactured using a special antibacterial substance and protect against certain dangerous bacteria. The product itself is a self-healing “smart gel” casing for smartphones with its primary function being a protective case for your mobile device. The innovative gel design is scratch and puncture proof, capable of “healing” itself by simply filling in those minor gaps. Because of the nature of the gel, the case can stick to smooth surfaces like glass, windows and mirrors. The physical chemical and mechanical properties of the materials used along with specific dimensions and positioning of the adhesive guard result in anti-slip properties that offer a firm grip for easier management of your mobile device, as well as an easy stick agent for those perfect every time #handsfreeselfies
Exofab entered the South African market in June 2016 and is set to stick around for a very long time with its innovative technology. For more details on the products offered by Exofab, check out the Exofab Africa website: www.exofabafrica.com and Exofab Africa pages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
2 Responses
July 19, 2016Totally cool. Def getting myself one.
July 19, 2016Too cool!! #ExofabAfrica