Ndalo Media is proud to officially announce that it will be co-publishing Ogojiii magazine – a bi-monthly magazine which celebrates African innovation in design, enterprise and current affairs. During Mandela Month, we celebrate the Africa which Madiba envisioned; an Africa which reflects the aspirations and developments of a continent in rapid development and progress across multiple industries.
The Ogojiii brand seeks to showcase the most inspirational developments in African lnnovation in design, enterprise and current affairs through content that looks at lifestyle, enterprise, fashion, travel, food, health and wellness, interior design, architecture, style, technology and brand building.
Ogojiii also looks at smart solutions to the big challenges facing our big continent and profiles the techpreneurs who are changing the game in Africa. For instance, the latest issue of Ogojiii Magazine provides insight into original African tech brands, delves into the realities of seed funding for tech startups, and gives insight into the backstory of mega real estate portal Meqasa.com. Also very much worth looking forward to are insightful articles on trailblazing indigenous apps such as the Lumkani fire detection system and Totohealth which aims to reduce high maternal and infant mortality rates in Kenya, as well as a fascinating piece on the business marketplace, Esaja, along with a host of other startups to keep an eye on.
So why the focus on design and design thinking on a continent beset with so many pressing challenges?
“Ogojiii Magazine recognises that design shapes economic value and that, more specifically, it is ‘design thinking’ that will help shape a future that works. We explore the unique ingenuity of individuals, enterprises and organisations across the African continent that are creating solutions to socio-economic challenges and setting new design standards in textiles, architecture, cuisine, couture and even language,” says Isaac Khaguli Esipisu, Editor-in-Chief.
Ogojiii fills the gap left by international media that tends to present Africa from a mainly western perspective. Ogojiii targets young, affluent Africans, well educated, often entrepreneurial and eager to discover new perspectives. Ogojiii is targeted at young professionals and older, upwardly-mobile business leaders who are ambitious and have strategies to do business in and across Africa. Primarily occupying high LSM 7-10, individuals in this market are curious, engaged, intellectual, internationally exposed and well-read African consumers above the ages of 25 all the way up to 65. Ogojiii readers are dynamic, worldly, well educated, technologically-savvy and professionally driven. They actively seek out and consume content that is relevant to their pan-African aspirations.
Editor in Chief Esipisu is Kenyan and holds a Masters in Journalism from Cardiff University. He has worked as a financial and business journalist in leadersihip roles for various media companies, including Thompson Reuters, Standard Media Group, CNBCAfrica.com, the National Media Group and Euro News. These roles have seen him recruiting and leading teams of journalists in various locations around the African continent. Esipisu has been responsible for overseeing the editorial direction of an international TV channel as well as launching a number of international online media offerings. His passion is for telling the African story with integrity with a point of view firmly fixed on highlighting the possibilities that exist on the continent and spotlighting the strides being made by progressive and innovative African thinkers and organisations.
Pronounced “Oh-go-gee”, the word means “40” in the Yoruba language. The Roman numerals ‘ii’ were added to make the number “42”, which represents the Akan calendar cycle – a traditional system of timekeeping originally used by the Kwa people of West Africa. Ogojiii Magazine was founded by global design thought-leader Jens Martin Skibsted who was inspired following a World Economic Forum Africa meeting to create a platform for African design and design thinking across a diverse range of industries to reflect the continent’s increasingly visible and significant contributions to global innovation.
Get Issue 7 of Ogojiii at stores belonging to the following outlets in 14 African countries (South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana and Zambia):
Exclusive Books
Select Spar stores
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Chandarana Supermarkts
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Pantry Pride
Innovation Village
Ogojiii Magazine is also available at International Airports, Art Galleries and through subscription via www.ogojiii.com
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